Welcome to The Design POP,
a podcast for dealer designers!
The world of the dealer designer is changing and now more than ever, this community plays an ever increasing role in the success of projects. These designers possess a wealth of knowledge and passion for furniture and design, but it seems this group is often left unrecognized.
As the industry evolves, there is a growing recognition of the value of this role, leading to more opportunities for empowerment. Join me as I share my experiences as a designer, trainer, and consultant to help this community build more influence and recognition - this is the first step in building a community of dealer designers that are focused on learning, improving their craft, and growing their careers.
Whether you're a furniture enthusiast or just curious about growing and learning more to apply to your own career. We are glad you're here. Join me, Alexandra Tseffos, as we harness the power of the design community to explore these important topics in the world of design.
We want to hear from you!
If you have comments or suggestions on topics that you would like to explore through this podcast, please message me below. I look forward to learning and exploring together!
I acknowledge that in clicking this "start recording" button and recording my voice on Speakpipe, I may be represented on The Design POP podcast.
Note: If you would like to participate and remain anonymous, please use anonymous as your first name when you submit. Your voice will not be disguised, but your name will not be used in relation to the recording. Please contact us with any questions or comments.
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